Hiatus 2022/23

"Embracing Life's Hiatus: Finding Beauty in the Pause"

Life, with its unpredictable twists and turns, often leads us on unexpected journeys. Sometimes, these journeys compel us to take an unplanned hiatus, a pause from the hustle and bustle of our routine. In these moments, we discover that every day is a precious gift, and even challenges can be stepping stones toward growth.

Life is a series of fleeting moments, and each day is a canvas waiting to be painted with experiences. The hiatus, a punctuation mark in the sentence of life, serves as a reminder to approach each day with intention and appreciation. After all, every day is a gift—a chance to write a new chapter, face challenges with courage, and savor the beauty that unfolds in the ordinary.

So, as I step forward from this hiatus, I do so with a renewed sense of purpose and gratitude. Life's challenges may pause our journey momentarily, but it is in the pause that we often find the strength to resume our path with newfound vigor and appreciation for the precious gift that is life itself.

and I am reminded that

“to plant a garden is to believe in tomorrow” Audrey Hepburn.

and now….we are back, we have limited availability for weddings in 2024 and taking enquiries for 2025 !
