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Lee-on-the-Solent Florist


A studio florist in Gosport.

Enhance your floral gift-giving experience by adding a touch of extra delight from our selection of gifts. Choose a gift voucher for a personalised touch.

Gift Voucher

From £10

Flower Patch | Gifts | Weddings | Biodegradable Confetti Nationwide Delivery

Biodegradable Confetti


Gifts | Weddings | Lucky Sixpence Nationwide Delivery

Lucky Sixpence


Beehive | Gifts | COMING SOON - Beeswax Candle - Glass Out of stock

COMING SOON - Beeswax Candle - Glass

Beehive | Gifts | COMING SOON - Beeswax lip balm 5ml Out of stock

COMING SOON - Beeswax lip balm 5ml

Beehive | Gifts | COMING SOON - Cut Comb Honey Out of stock

COMING SOON - Cut Comb Honey

Beehive | Gifts | COMING SOON - Solent Honey - 1lb jar (454g) Out of stock

COMING SOON - Solent Honey - 1lb jar (454g)

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