Locally Grown British Flowers - Gosport


We Grow Seasonal Flowers

Working with seasonal flowers, our Solent Flower Patch cutting garden provides the perfect partner for turning your event and wedding vision into reality, these are used along with flowers sourced from our trusted local suppliers.

We are fortunate to have space to grow and care for a range of foliage and flowers that will become part of your special occasion.

A truly personal touch with flowers grown by us.


We will pick whatever is growing that week, and have a mix of flowers and foliage.

Follow our social media pages to see what will be growing and when it will be available


We will sell bouquets, flower arrangers’ buckets, and bunches.
We will also provide flowers for small events either for you to arrange yourself and for those Garden Inspired DIY wedding flowers.

About us


Filling your house with flowers could be the secret to improving your mental health.

As a florist and ex Horticultural manager and “Having grown up in a horticultural minded family, being taken to our family allotment and watching Gardens World every Friday”, I’ve been surrounded by flowers and plants all my life and have first-hand experience of how they lift the mood of everyone they surround. My father being instrumental in demonstrating this…we had hens in the garden and then bee hives. There is a consistent link between exposure to flowers and plants and positive psychological health.

Whilst sat in the careers classroom at school, my friends all knew what they wanted to do…I did not… I sat and looked a a poster on the side of the very seasoned wooden bookshelf of a vegetable garden…

My initial thought was I want to work in a market garden ! That took me on to attend my local land based college to study Floristry…. Fast forward a few years… working as a horticultural manager in high trading garden centres and undertook further qualifications….. then back to Floristry designing for weddings and events.

2024 saw the start of the journey to returning to that market garden wish!

Growing and providing locally grown seasonal flowers and foliage on the south coast from our flower patch cut garden !

Apples don’t fall to far form the tree! We now have rescue hens in our garden and our a hive of honey bees!


Did you know we have a “Water Well” we use to top up our water butts !
